When it comes to styling tresses, LA ladies have always differed massively from London girls. But one thing has always remained the same: our love for hair, beauty and fashion. In recent times, that mutual love of hair has seen the two cities merge in taste. Hair culture on both sides of the Atlantic are beginning to meet in the middle.

That’s where our new friend LOLA comes in. A new hair attitude by Luke Hersheson, she is the embodiment of London’s cool attitude and L.A.’s summery vibe. With the best bits from both worlds, LOLA is both the coolest and hottest trend around.

When London meets L.A.

Fellow hair guru and LA local Jen Atkin met up with Luke Hersheson to compare how they think hair perspective has changed in their cities.

JA: “It used to be like LA was long extensions and curls but I feel like now girls are doing shorter hair and letting it go,”

And she’s not wrong, the gym-pants takeover has hit L.A. big time.

JA: “Typically in L.A. it’s lazy hair.. I feel like we live a lot in buns and ponytails because everyone is literally in gym clothes.”

Whilst the City of Angels tones down in favour of comfort, London is awakening to a new and active mood in hairstyling.

LH: “In London, it used to be that no one would bother doing their hair, it was cooler to look like you hadn’t ever touched your hair. Now I think L.A. has relaxed a bit more and we have pumped up a bit more"

And in terms of tastes, how do the two cities differ?

LH: “London’s got this history of doing things that are new but not always necessarily beautiful.. But it’s always the ugly things then, that become great later on”.

With the tendency to push the boundaries, it’s no wonder that London has become a hub for trendsetters.

For image conscious L.A., effortless beauty is the favourite flavour. Perfect ombre dominates the hair scene as does dry shampoo.

JA: “I feel like whatever makes it so we’re only going to have to wash it every two or three days is kinda a game-changer.”


Learn what Luke Hersheson and Jen Atkin think about the LA gym culture, the kooky London, and what they love so much about “Slut Strands” in the full interview.