sali hughes interview luke

Welcome to round 2 of HAIR STORIES. It’s a new section on our website where we reveal the ins, the outs, the high, the lows, the good and the bad hair days of real people – just like you and us. Because, when it comes to our hair – everyone has a story. And not only does it feel great to know that we’re not the only ones out there who have ever D.E.S.P.A.I.R.E.D of our unruly hair – but by hearing what other people have to say, we can pick up a few handy hints on how to bring it back in line.

Up this week, is Guardian Beauty Columnist and author, Sali Hughes. She talks towelling tricks, the power of a Great Cut, product price points and nailing undone cool in a few minutes flat. All that, plus how she's streamlining her hair routine with her number one new favourite product – ALMOST EVERYTHING CREAM.

If you missed episode one with Alessandra Steinherr, it’s right over here. Otherwise, you know what they say: sharing is caring. So, let’s talk Hair Stories and together, get you the Great Hair you deserve.