We’re totally bonkers about balayage for two brilliant reasons. It has an awesome, unpronounceable spelling (we say “bally-ahhge”). And comes with superpowers that give everyone really Great Hair. First things first, let’s define what we mean by balayage: a technique by which several tones are hand-painted onto the hair, lightening the mid-lengths and ends. The result is cool; it's undone, it's a total ace at telling the world you just woke up looking 100% on point. Why oh why, we hear you cry? Here’s 5 reasons why it’ll look good on you too…
It makes your hair look thicker
Together with a Great Cut, balayage lends hair greater depth, giving the illusion of more fullness. Think of it like comparing a 2D drawing, with a painting that’s in full perspective.
It makes your waves all beachy
Tonging in waves on solid, flat colour will score a C- minus at best. Better to A* your way to a cool, California-style look by letting balayage amp up the movement and make your waves the hero.
It lasts longer
Unlike its hair colour cousin (foil highlights), the hand-painting technique of balayage mimics the way our hair grows out naturally. This means you can see your colourist less often. Save time, save money, save your hair. Because balayage doesn’t involve adding colour to the same section of hair over and over again, ultimately – your lengths will be healthier.
It makes grey hair look more youthful
You already know that balayage is a total whizz at mirroring the way your hair grows naturally. The added bonus to this superpower is that we can use it to blend and soften greys. This graduated effect throws light onto your face and makes your vibe more youthful.
It transitions your hair from summer to winter
Look, we hate to sound like a broken record, but we’re going to crack on anyway. Balayage’s ability to grow out looking natural makes it the ideal way to transition from your summer beachy look into something more suitable for autumn/winter. All with zero effort on your part at all.
Now we've met down here all the way at the bottom; we know you're just gagging to book your balayage appointment. For the commitment-phobes amongst us who just can’t make a decision, there’s always our 10 Piece Balayage Human Hair Extensions Clip In Set. BACK IN STOCK after months of waiting, we think you’ll wear it once and join its fan club for sure.