It’s easy to think that changing your hair colour is, well, just about changing your hair colour. In fact, small tweaks and a soft, natural approach – which all come under the umbrella of ‘balayage’ – can revive so-so hair and make a huge difference to your look overall.
Here’s 7 reasons why…
1. Balayage is ideal if you want colour – but not too much
Hair colour isn’t necessarily about transforming your look with a full-head of bleach (although that can work too); it’s about taking into account your haircut, skin tone and overall vibe to bring out what makes you uniquely you. Balayage involves painting colour onto your hair freehand. This means that you don’t get as dense a colour as you do when you use traditional highlights – or foils. Balayage is more subtle and requires an expert colourist because the technique is all about how and where you place the colour to complement the way your hair falls.
2. Balayage lasts longer…
…And looks more natural. The hand-painting technique mimics the way your hair grows out naturally. The end result is blended and seamless – no harsh lines or severe root re-growth. This means you can see your colourist less often (sometimes as little as once every six months, or even once a year). You can always book in for a toner if you want to nix any brassiness and brighten your balayage in between colour appointments. And, because you’re applying less colour less frequently to your hair, it also has a much better chance of remaining healthy and glossy.
3. Balayage makes fine hair appear fuller
The precise, hand-painted placement of the colour is done to work with your hair’s natural movement. Many people come to us for a Great Cut one day, then follow up with a colour appointment. This allows our colourists to tailor your balayage to your haircut in a way that adds 3D definition and shape, to give the illusion of more fullness. Think of it like using makeup to contour and define your facial features.
4. Balayage looks great on both blondes and brunettes
It can add depth and movement for beachy blondes (who look great with a few effortless waves). Balayage also lifts and contours brown hair – as with this soft Chocolate Brunette look.
5. And seamlessly blends out greys
Rather than masking your greys, balayage is the ideal way to blend some lighter, brighter bits into your natural colour. It looks beautifully natural – yet still transforms your hair and appears more youthful.
6. It adds a glow to your skin
Balayage is also about the use of light and contrast. A truly Great Colourist will select the colour and placement that enhances your skin tone, adding a luminescent glow.
7. It transitions your hair from winter to summer
Being soft, subtle and natural-looking, balayage refreshes and brightens your look when you want a change for summer – but aren’t seeking anything that feels like too much of a statement.
Half or full head?
If you’re ready to book in for your springtime balayage lift, here’s our rule of thumb: if you’ve had colour applied in the last three months, you can probably stick to a half head appointment. If it’s longer than that – or you’ve never had colour before – we recommend a full head. Either way, you can always come and chat to us during a free colour consultation – and bring any images or references you’d like to emulate too.