Let’s get things straight: we love an oversized cozy knit as much as the next person. BUT: the crazy static that forms whenever we pull our jumper on (it’s FREEZING outside, ok?) or off (the office and train are BOILING), tells us that our hair begs to differ. Static, frizz, a little crispy here and there: our hair is definitely not playing ball. So, we asked our stylists how to smooth things over – and simply get sexy cool *hibernation hair*. Starting from the moment you hop out the shower…

Get your hair its own (microfibre) towel

When it comes to towels, hair doesn’t like to share. So, stop using any old thing to rub the lengths, (as much as we respect your enthusiasm, this is a one-way street to breakage) – and instead, wrap it in a microfibre towel. It will minimise friction, absorb more water and prevent frizz from forming in the first place. Consider that round one to you.


Try our ‘pull and stretch’ rough drying technique

Brushes are great, but sometimes, the simple business of using your hands will get you the best result. So, take your hair dryer in hand, (this one hits the sweet spot between heat and the perfect speed) and hold it, so the air travels down your hair from root to tip, to smooth the cuticle as it dries. (Wave it around like you just don't care, and you'll only give static encouragement). Create a fork-like shape with the fingers of your other hand, then pull, stretch and rake each section of hair beneath the dryer, to make it really smooth. Bonus point: this technique also makes drying time quicker, so you can get on with having a happier hair day.

Use your brush as an iron

As tempting as it is to call time on static by ironing it out with straighteners, there’s a quicker, heat-proof way: hold a flat, mixed bristle brush like this one in your dominant hand, then use the other to press down gently on the top as you brush. Ta-da – your brush acts like an iron, to smooth away static and restore some glassy shine.

Keep your hairspray firmly at arm’s length

Over-worked and under-appreciated, we've got a lot of love for the humble hairspray. So much love that it's easy to let it get too close. When using it to smooth away frizz and static, (rather than adding ‘hold’ to your style), you need to ensure that the can is at arm’s length as you mist. And by that, we mean stretch. You can then use your fingers to gently smooth strays, so they're back where you want them to be. If that seems a bit much, your bathroom's small and perfectly formed – or you just need to be more discreet: mist a little spray into the palms of your hands and glide them over that frizz.

Press pause on frizz for months

For those of us for whom getting static-free Great Hair still seems like a never-ending uphill struggle, man invented the Permanent Blow Dry. The old PBDs left hair weak and dry. So, we found a formula that skipped past damage, put frizz back in its place and went straight to a sexy smooth texture. It even lasts for three months. Hibernation hair looking good.